
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP / Unsplash

The following are a curated collection of blog posts, essays, published papers, websites, and other resources that provide better understanding on moderating online communities.

Five Geek Social Fallacies - Michael Suileabhain-Wilson
This article tackles a lesser discussed but increasingly problematic aspect amongst online communities: self-sacrificial tendencies to avoid conflict or appear omnitolerant. Suileabhain-Wilson's blunt discussion of how these mindsets and behaviors are detrimental to community health and culture are evergreen and a must-read for any moderator.

ModGuide Index - SolariaHues (and the rest of /r/modguide)
While primarily focused on subreddit moderation, there is quite a bit in these guides that can be universally applied. There's far too much to get into specifics about, but these sections in particular contain some fantastic reads for green and veteran moderators alike: Content Creation, Content Management, Engagement & Growth, Mods, Moderating, Resource Guides